Sponsored in part by Liv Rainey-Smith

This blog of the ongoing apocalypse is sponsored in part by The Art of Liv Rainey-Smith, featuring The Four Portlanders of the Apocalyse.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


I don't believe what I just saw. Right there on CNN as the tidal waves hit Tokyo and Mount Fuji erupted, a whole series of giant monsters rose from the sea, including something that looks a lot like Godzilla and something else that looks a lot like a cross between a giant octopus and H. P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu. The former creature stomped around Kyoto while the latter started tentacle raping virgins in Hiroshima. It's a fitting end for a nation that gave us Hentai and the Dramatic Hamster.

That's not all that's happening, of course, as the DoomQuake has now hit the middle of Australia and continues to roll through Russia. The DoomQuake should be taken very seriously, people. HAM radio is reporting that there isn't a single structure still standing in Vladivostok (GMT+11) or Sydney, as it was foretold. There are thousands of dead and missing.

Here in my neighborhood, it is two in the morning and nobody is sleeping. All the neighbors are out in the street, wondering what's happening, talking about the rapture, and many of them are praying, maybe for the first time. I truly hope they are sincere when they accept Christ into their hearts, and will join me in the Kingdom.

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