Sponsored in part by Liv Rainey-Smith

This blog of the ongoing apocalypse is sponsored in part by The Art of Liv Rainey-Smith, featuring The Four Portlanders of the Apocalyse.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

DoomQuake hits China! (GMT+8)

And the rapture continues! The DoomQuake has just moved into the Western coast of Australia and into the Siberian heartland. More significantly, however, it is now striking the Eastern coast of China, which is fresh from being swept by the tsunamis generated so far. We're not hearing much out of the official channels in China, of course, because they can't acknowledge Christ's truth in a Communist nation, but I hold a thin, vain hope that I might hear from an English speaker in China who can tell me what's going on. The last I heard, Beijing was abuzz about the earthquakes that struck Japan, Australia and Russia, but my sources there were all American missionaries, and I stopped being able to hail them just before six Beijing time. I hope they were taken up, and that I will see them in the afterlife.

I'm a little saddened by this news because it means I won't be able to get more Apple products. But that's the least of our worries now.

As a side note, it is three in the morning and I'm starting to run out of steam. I will stay up as long as I can, but I make no promises.

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